Fees to apply for a grant of probate have increased by £118 for professionals and £58 for individuals, to a flat fee of £273 for all applicants.

The fee applies to any size of estate, however probate fees do not apply if the estate has a value of under £5,000.

Previously, probate fees were charged at £155 if made by a professional probate practitioner and £215 if made by an individual in a personal capacity. The new, single fee brings the cost structure into alignment with Managing Public Money principles, where the same fee should be charged for all users of the same service.

The Government has said that the proposed fee reflects the full cost to HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) and only covers the cost of processing probate applications, without making any profit.

Key terms

A grant of probate is the legal document that is produced following the grant of representation which enables the personal representatives to administer the estate.

A grant of representation is the grant giving the personal representatives the right to handle all the deceased’s legal and financial affairs, such as: selling or transferring property; accessing bank accounts; calculating and paying what tax is due; identifying what debts are outstanding and what money is owed; and distributing the estate.

For further information on our Probate and Estate Administration services, please get in touch for an initial discussion or download our factsheet below.

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