Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) complements the range of life planning services M+A Partners provides to help clients and their families prepare for the future.

As our expertise covers the full scope of probate, trusts and Inheritance Tax services, we are in a position that allows for knowledgeable, all-encompassing advice to serve the needs of executors, individuals and their attorneys.

An LPA enables you to select the people you trust to make decisions on your behalf and act in your best interests when you may not be able to make these decisions yourself, through illness or loss of capacity.

There are two types of LPA, Property & Financial Affairs (PA) and Health & Welfare (HW).

The existence of a registered LPA removes any additional costs, stress and potential delays when making decisions about your affairs.

For further information on Lasting Powers of Attorney please contact our experts or download the information leaflet from the Publications section below.


In what will be a real transformation for Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) procedures, parliament has now passed the Powers of Attorney Bill.

This includes the move from a solely paper-based system for making and registering an LPA to one that permits digital evidence.

Modernisation of the system and the recognition of electronic versions, should considerably cut the time it takes to process an LPA.

To read more on this story click here.


