M+A Partners sees our probate service as the logical conclusion to the planning and advice that we give to our clients throughout our relationship with them.
We advise on and manage the process of applying for probate, including completion of the Inheritance Tax (IHT) return, calculating the IHT liability, and preparing the Legal Statement to enable the Grant of Probate to be obtained. We can then assist the executors in their duties by administering the estate and preparing estate accounts.
Employing the services of one accounting and taxation expert to complete the probate for the estate and to finalise lifetime tax affairs means that our fee may be less than those charged from other probate service providers, who require input from the deceased’s accountant in any event.
How We Add Value
- Compiling details of the deceased’s assets and liabilities;
- Obtaining professional valuations;
- Completing the IHT accounts and forms;
- Claiming appropriate IHT reliefs and exemptions, calculating the IHT payable and arranging for the payment of IHT;
- Preparing the Legal Statement;
- Applying for and obtaining the Grant of Probate (following submission of the probate application to the property registry, the Grant of Probate should be issued within 8 weeks);
- Gathering in or selling the assets of the estate;
- Settling the debts of the deceased;
- Reviewing potential tax savings through a variation of the Will within 2 years of the date of the death;
- Dealing with income and Capital Gains Tax liabilities of the estate;
- Paying legacies and distributing assets to the beneficiaries; and
- Preparing final estate accounts.
For further information on our probate services, including details of the application process, please contact our experts or download the information leaflet from the Publications section below.