The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) is available to those businesses that are not covered by other grant schemes, such as the Local Restriction Support Grant, but are still severely impacted by the national lockdown restrictions.
How does the grant work?
Funding is provided to local authorities to support businesses that have been negatively affected by the lockdown restrictions and are unable to access other grant funding, specifically the Local Restrictions Support Grant Fund.
What are the eligibility criteria?
This is a discretionary grant and local authorities determine the way in which the ARG is distributed to businesses and the associated eligibility criteria. Please see links to individual local authority websites below as eligibility criteria may vary.
A business could qualify for funding through the ARG if it
- Is required to close but does not pay business rates and therefore is not eligible under the Local Restrictions Support Grant; or
- Is allowed to remain open, but is significantly impacted by the restrictions, for example it could be a supplier to the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors or within the events sector.
A business is not eligible to receive funding through the ARG if it
- Is in administration, insolvent or has been struck off the Companies House register; or
- Has exceeded the permitted state aid threshold.
What is the application process?
Applications should be made directly with your local authority, please click on the relevant links below.
Some local authority websites are currently open for applications through phase two of this discretionary grant and state that businesses that have already received an Additional Restrictions Grant under phase one of applications are not eligible to apply again.
There is no specific closing date for this grant, however local authorities reserve the right to close applications as soon as remaining funding nears being fully distributed.
Local council application details
Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Now closed for applications