The new Kickstart Scheme has been introduced to create 6-month work placements aimed at those aged 16 to 24 who are on Universal Credit and are considered to be at risk of long-term unemployment.

The job placements should support the participants to develop the skills and experience they need to find work after completing the scheme.

Funding for the scheme will cover

  • 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week;
  • The associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions; and
  • There is also £1,500 (per job placement) funding available for setup costs, support and training.

Applications for funding

  • Funding is available following a successful application process;
  • Each application should show how you will help participants develop their skills and experience;
  • Applications must be for a minimum of 30 job placements; or
  • If you are unable to provide this number of placements you can join with a group of other employers, nominating a representative for the group to submit the application. More details can be found here; and
  • Representatives can get £300 of funding to support the associated administrative costs.

Applying for less than 30 placements

Norfolk Chambers is co-ordinating placements of 30 or less for Norfolk. They require confirmation of how many placements and the type of placement you are offering.

They are in the process of gathering details as to what else is required from businesses as part of the application.

Please email Nova Fairbank, Head of Policy at Norfolk Chambers with any enquiries.


  • Any organisation, regardless of size, can apply for funding;
  • The job placements created with Kickstart funding must be new jobs; and
  • Should not require participants to undertake extensive training before commencing the job placement.

How to apply